If Your Watch Is Stolen, What Should You Do?

Tragically, thefts do happen in this world. If your watch is stolen, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting it back. Furthermore, you should do everything necessary to make it as difficult as possible for thieves to get rid of stolen items, since this will increase the likelihood of them being discovered and tracked down.

In this post, we'll go through the most crucial things you can do if your watch has been stolen in order to improve your chances of getting it back. We have an experienced team who have a lot of hope they will provide great assistance to you.

watch register

Find your watch's serial number and model.

To begin, it is critical that you properly identify the stolen watch. This is critical in order to enhance the likelihood of ever recovering it.

With that stated, the serial number is the most crucial factor in this case. The serial number on your watch is unique, and no other watch has the same number. Consider your watch's serial number to be its own unique social security number that allows you to identify it.

As a result, knowing your watch's serial number is essential so that you may report it as stolen. This will allow it to be identified later if it is discovered.

If you haven't had your stolen watch register yet but want to be prepared for the worst, make a note of the serial number. If you don't know your watch's serial number, you can contact the store/company/person from whom you purchased it and ask if they have it. It might be a little more challenging if your watch was purchased a long time ago. If that's the case, look for the receipt or any other original paperwork that could include information on your watch and its serial number.

The serial number is normally engraved between the case lugs or on the case back of timepieces.

Alert the police:

When your watch is stolen, the first thing you should do is report it to the police. The police have a stolen item database, and they will be able to add your stolen watch to it. That being said, it is critical that you have the model, model number, and serial number so that they have all of the pertinent information and facts about your timepiece.

The police will be able to inform other partners and anti-crime and theft agencies about your stolen watch because they have access to both national and international databases.

Inform your insurance company.

In most cases, a police record is required in order to make an insurance claim. This is why the first step is usually to report the watch theft to the police.

Insurance firms may also have their own stolen-items database. In many situations, this database is created in partnership with other insurance companies in order to reach a larger number of items and boost the likelihood of retrieval. In most cases, insurance firms collaborate closely with government agencies.

Inform the Store Where You Buy It:

Alert the business where you purchased it If you purchased your watch lately, it is a good idea to seek assistance from the store where you purchased it, and most importantly, to inform them of your stolen watch. They'll be able to take note of this and maybe alert other sources about your missing watch.

Reported to the watchmaker.

This may or may not work depending on the brand of the stolen watch. The best option is to go to a brand's official shop and speak with them. Some watch companies, such as Rolex, have an internal database of stolen watches, so notifying them that your watch has been stolen is a smart idea. Furthermore, some businesses include a customer care email address or phone number that you may utilise to contact them. It's not a bad idea to inquire whether they have their own database to which you can put your watch so that they can keep an eye on you as well.

Watches are transported to service facilities. When they arrive at approved shops to be serviced by the brands, they will be inspected to guarantee that they are not stolen. If they discover it has been stolen, they will seize it and report it to the authorities. This implies that your stolen watch can be recovered if and when it is taken to be repaired by authorised merchants, or if it is mailed directly to the brand.

Reported to The Watch Register.

"The biggest international database of lost and stolen timepieces available for due diligence, including frauds and imitation watches," according to the watch registry. It is a central database that is used to register and recover losses by police departments, insurance companies, and theft victims. Retailers, pawnbrokers, jewellers, auction houses, and collectors can utilise a database search tool to check the status of a watch before making a transaction."

All the watch register companies have Over 70,000 lost and stolen watches listed in the Watch Register database. They have a lot of data to found the stolen watches.

By filling out a form on their website, you may report the loss of your watch. They charge a £10 non-refundable admin fee per watch for this service (plus VAT where applicable). You'll need your watch's unique serial number in order to register it. You'll also need proof of loss, such as a crime reference number and/or insurance information.


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